Welcome to our Support Portal
How do I find my school district's phone number?
To find your district’s phone number, please visit your school district’s websit...
PayPAMS Mobile App
If I upload a picture, will it display on the PayPAMS website?
How will I know if my payment through the Mobile App went through?
Is the App available on Android or iPhone devices?
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Account Balance
My child has changed schools within the same school district. What happens to the balance?
How do I receive a refund?
How do I transfer funds between students?
and 11 more ...
Making Payments
Is PayPal available for my school district?
Can I view a summary of all payments made on PayPAMS.com?
My balance is marked in RED indicating that a recent payment is pending?
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Forgot Password
I forgot my password.
How do I change my password?
Email Notifications
Email Notification Summary
I am not receiving low balance email notifications?
General information about Email Notifications
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Changing account/contact information
My child's information is incorrect. How do I change it?
My child graduated from school. How do I remove the student from my PayPAMS account?
How do I stop receiving phone notifications?
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What are local adjustments?
How can I apply for Free and Reduced meals?
How do I receive a statement of all cafeteria purchases?
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My tickets
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PayPAMS Mobile App
Account Balance
Making Payments
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Most Popular Articles
How do I receive a refund?
How do I transfer funds between students?
How can I apply for Free and Reduced meals?
My child has changed schools within the same school district. What happens to the balance?
Where can I find my student's pin number?
What will happen at the end of the school year with the student's balance?
My child has changed school districts. What will happen to the balance?
How do I restrict or add a spending limit to my child's account?
General information about Meal Account Balances
Moved to a different school district
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