1. Meal accounts are maintained at the school cafeteria. PayPAMS offers an option to add money to the cafeteria meal account and displays the latest balance.
When a parent makes a payment, PayPAMS sends the payment information to the cafeteria and the cafeteria adds the payment amount to the current balance. The cafeteria sends updated balance information to PayPAMS by the end of each day.
The school cafeteria holds the balance. If a student leaves the school district or was removed from PayPAMS, the funds will still remain on the student’s meal account at the cafeteria.
2. If you just recently added a student(s) to your account, it may take between 1-2 school days for balance information to be updated on PAMS website.
3. If your child will continue attending the same school district next year, the balance will be automatically credited for the next school year. If your child moved from one school to another within the same school district, it may take a day or two from the beginning of the school year to transfer the remaining balance from the old school to the new school. During that time period, the balance on PAMS may show as $0.00.
4. The ‘Total balance’ includes the current balance at the school and recent payments/refunds made on PAMS. For example: if the current balance at the school is $2.00 and you recently made a payment of $25.00, the total balance will be $27.00. If a refund was issued, the total balance will reflect the recent refund amount.
5. If your child graduated we recommend that you remove his/her information from the account. Go to My Account Settings/Add Remove Students. For refunds, contact the school district’s food and nutrition office.
6. Student’s name is displayed as registered with the school district. If the student’s name is misspelled/incorrect contact the school